
My name is Cody! I’m a 33 year old Ojibwe writer who is constantly seeking the unique and eclectic life everywhere I go. This is my blogging space dedicated to my style, art, media, and travel journeys. Welcome to my world! Stay a while.

Happy Earth Day! celebrating birthdays, resting from writing, and some photos

Happy Earth Day! celebrating birthdays, resting from writing, and some photos

Hey everybody, I’m back to blogging! I skipped the last few weeks to take a little break. My blog posts usually come out on Fridays, and I didn’t want people to think I was fooling around on April 1st, so I skipped that day. Other than that, it’s been a very eventful last 3 weeks for me, so I did my best to focus offline. 

Whenever I wasn’t working, I was focused on celebrating some March/April birthdays! Fun fact: I’m a sagittarius, which is a fire sign, and astrologists say fire signs stick together. I’d love to dismiss astrology as fake, but it's weirdly accurate toward my relationships. Specifically, my closest loved ones are all Aries, and fellow fire signs:

  • my boyfriend, Eric

  • my best friend, Janelle

  • my sister, Bethany

  • my brother, William

  • my other brother, Casey

So this blog will just be a little catch up on some cool stuff, and then a little Earth Day thought blurb at the bottom. I hope you’re all doing well. Thanks for reading! hopefully now that things are getting back to normal, I will be back to blogging.


Eric’s birthday

For Eric’s B-day, we explored the Sea Life Aquarium in Mall of America. I haven’t been to this aquarium in 8 years, and I knew Eric would want to be with some aquatic life on his birthday. For those who don’t know, Eric is in love with the ocean, and he loves marine biology. We take turns going to zoos and aquariums for our birthdays. 

My favorite thing about Eric is his curiosity for biology. He’s consistently fascinated by sea creatures, and he still teaches me new things about animals all the time. I love to see him in his element, especially on the day he was born.
Happy birthday Eric ~
I love you, duh!!


With my brothers(and their friends)at the Pup show

A week before my brothers’ birthdays, they came to visit me at my apartment. My brother and his girlfriend had plans to head to a concert for the band Pup. Pup is a punk rock band from Canada, and they sort of remind me of Weezer? But anyway, I have listened to them before through Spotify’s suggestions, but my brothers are big fans of the band, and when they had an extra ticket, I knew I had to go. 

The Pup show was at The Fillmore, and it was my first time ever attending a show there. The space was large. I was only shoulder to shoulder with people once Pup was about to go on, because the room basically became one giant mosh pit. So the show began and I was instantly swept back 10 feet, where everyone was standing comfortably at the edge of the chaos. It was a chaos that I missed profoundly, and I’m glad to see live music again. 


I took a rest… NOW BACK TO WORK!

During this pandemic, I constantly beat myself up for relaxing. I just couldn’t shake the thought that any moment where I wasn’t being productive was me being lazy. When I look back at how long I’ve relentlessly worked toward myself, I can only see some of my successes up front, like a horse with blinders(who also writes).

Basically, I never let myself rest, ever. Even on days where I would say I was “resting,” I felt immense guilt for taking a break. Newsflash guys– if you’re stressing about taking a break from working, you’re not really taking a break. I realized recently, after finally giving myself a little writing break, that it's okay to stop and rest, and I mean like… brain shut off, no guilt for enjoying something that isn’t writing, or freelancing, or job hunting, or learning how to code, or reading referential books etc.

With that being said, I recently chose to split my writing career up with a day job, so now while gaining my footing writing content for clients, I have started a job at a bookstore. It was just time to have a consistent paycheck without having to do writing gigs or small projects, which involved a lot of financial uncertainty. 

One job may be 250 dollars per article for 2 months, but other clients sometimes only need a one time project for a one time price, instead of a consistent paycheck. All I learned while taking a writing break and getting a job as a bookseller, is that my anxious body wasn’t built for a fully freelance lifestyle. I was losing sleep not knowing when the next big opportunity would come my way.

Thankfully, this new routine has revamped my creative spark for a million reasons, but I would literally have to write a whole new blog post just about selling books, because there’s too much cool stuff about books to say here.


Happy Earth Day!


I’m not sure what I will write next, or if my next blog will for sure be up on Friday, but keep your eyes peeled for more upcoming. I’m a summer girl, so I’ll be out and about once we have one full week of 60+ degree weather. Lets just assume next week will most likely be my favorites for April, okay?

Subscribe for future updates, and check out my instagram for my dead serious photos and my super catchy captions (sometimes).

Stay healthy & kind regards,

Small bookseller thoughts, a bout with the infamous Covid-19, and summertime mindfulness in Minneapolis

Small bookseller thoughts, a bout with the infamous Covid-19, and summertime mindfulness in Minneapolis

March favorites (trying something new)

March favorites (trying something new)