
My name is Cody! I’m a 33 year old Ojibwe writer who is constantly seeking the unique and eclectic life everywhere I go. This is my blogging space dedicated to my style, art, media, and travel journeys. Welcome to my world! Stay a while.

Teaching writing workshops, podcast adventures, and my failed novel

Teaching writing workshops, podcast adventures, and my failed novel

I’ve been gone for a while, and I have done quite a few things recently that I didn’t mention on the blog. If you follow me on Instagram, you already know some of these. It feels weird to share just a list of 2 wins and a loss, but at this point, these are all old news from last fall and early winter, so it’s just time to say these things and drop it, okay? I’m trying to break out of the perfectionist writer’s mode in 2023, so let’s just jump right in! 

Some updates I’ll be talking about in this blog post:

  • Teaching people how to write blogs!

  • I was a guest on a podcast!

  • I failed to write a novel in 30 days, but I’m glad (I promise!)


Teaching writing at Twin Cities Libraries

My little photoshoot I did after teaching my second course… like ever!

I was approached to teach some community writing courses at Twin Cities libraries with The Loft Literary Center. They hired me to stand in front of multiple 20+ groups of people interested in blogging, writing for the web and copywriting (all of these are separate courses, so multiply 20 by 3 or 4, meaning a potential 60-80 people, being influenced by my writing and blogging expertise). 

I said yes, obviously. Still, I was worried I’d be found out as some imposter, especially since I was being paid to teach these workshops. I had to jump over the hurdle of public speaking, but once I got over that mountain a few times, I felt less nervous and more comfortable. The experience overall has been rewarding to say the least. I’ve taught 4-5 courses, and I’ve recently been added to their little docket of “teaching artists” in the program, which I’m happy to be a part of!

Also, just a little happy side note: The title “teaching artist” really sends my heart soaring, because ever since I created my first art projects in kindergarten, I always wanted to grow up to be titled an “artist,” specifically without giving myself the title… so in a way, I’ve done that now. 

Sooooo, hi there! I’m Cody. I’m an artist and writer who now teaches other up-and-coming artists and writers how to begin their creative journeys! What an incredibly humbling and rewarding experience. I can’t wait to teach more library courses soon. They’ve requested me for 2023, and I happily said yes!


I’ve entered the podcast airwaves!

How many people can say they’ve been on a podcast? Oh, literally everyone and their brother? Yeah, I know! But when asked by my friend Kevin Krein to guest star on the Anhedonic Headphones Podcast discussing my top 10 songs, I couldn’t pass up my chance!

I’m someone who loves talking, but can’t stand hearing recordings of my own voice! Still, I pushed through my own personal resistance just to become a part of a different form of media. We talked about my favorite songs and the stories that go along with them.

The episode touches on some of my deepest, and not so deep…est thoughts, like:

  • my mom’s major influence on my music taste

  • my utter obsession with the South Korean boyband, BTS

  • My newfound love for Taylor Swift (thanks to Folklore and Evermore)

Also, just for the record, being on the podcast was an absolute blast. Maybe I’ll do another podcast again someday, because it was so interesting, and not nearly as tough to hear my own voice as I thought it would be. Kevin’s pod is called Anhedonic Headphones Podcast. You can access it through his blog, but I’ll try to paste an embedded Spotify link (to the episode I was included in) here if possible.

Anhedonic Headphones on Blogspot

Kevin is also a writer, with his own music review blog, and he has a long history of working in radio and journalism. I find his words insightful. His reviews have often led me toward more curiosity and additional listening. I’ll link his site above the podcast, so give him a read! 

Thanks again to Kevin for inviting me to your pod! Also thanks for dancing with me at Carly Rae Jepsen at Minneapolis Pride Party! 


I failed to write a novel– and I’m glad!

That’s right! I started to write a novel back in November and I never completed it. Why am I so happy about that? Well, its because I can’t believe I even tried to write a novel at all! I’m definitely a non-fiction writer in almost every way possible. Weird enough, I also prefer to read mainly non-fiction, specifically in the form of memoirs, essay collections, and referential books. So why delve into the world of fiction? Because working at a bookstore opened my eyes, I suppose. 

My coworkers were always asking each other “What are you writing for Nano this year?” and I thought nothing of it until that published author coworker finally turned and asked me, “Are you doing Nano this year?” I finally caved and asked what it was all about. They explained to me that National Novel Writing Month, aka NaNoWriMo, is a writing challenge in which many writers convene on the Nanowrimo website, all pledging to write 50,000 words by the end of November. And my coworker easily convinced me that every writer should try the challenge! Since I’m always up for a writing challenge, I couldn’t help but join in.

When did I fail? Pretty early in… probably like 1.5 weeks in? I never made a true outline for my story, and I think that’s where I stumbled. I’ve read blogs and watched videos by people who “won” Nanowrimo and they said outlining is the devil and it kills the creative flow. I went to school for journalism and professional writing, and the outline–to me– is vital! I tried no outline, and made a strong start into the word count, but ended up hating my initial idea, and that’s where it ended… but it didn’t have to.

That’s another thing… no matter how haggard and unedited the words may be, you can just keep going because that counts. You can start all over again with a new idea– that counts too! I didn’t know that since I was new to the whole concept. So that’s why I gave up fairly early into my pledge, but I plan on saving all my ideas in advance, and maybe next November I’ll succeed at writing my next novel.


That’s all folks!

My 31st birthday was back in December, and I am giving a peace sign here, but you just can’t see it

Thanks for reading this little catch-up post. I wrote a lengthier, much more depressing version of this last November, but the writing just felt very unnatural. In hindsight, it was probably because I was busy writing a novel that I gave up on (I really hadn’t considered that as why until now). Now that my schedule has opened up, I plan on blogging consistently! We will see, won’t we?

Winter hiking at Gooseberry Falls

Winter hiking at Gooseberry Falls

Changes, cellularly speaking

Changes, cellularly speaking